
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

5 Things I Can't Live Without

This is from Kelley at the Teacher Idea Factory and it's fun seeing what different teachers can't live without.  Many things would make my list too, but there were a few JEMS in there that I didn't know about that I decided I had to have (um, Talk Point mini recorders....just got 3 on eBay!).

So here's my list:

1) My iPhone

* Pandora (love playing the George Winston, Jazz and Antonio Vivaldi stations)
* iTalk (I record and save all my student's running records)
* Timer (for timed math tests)
* Joann Fabrics app (for all the COUPONS!)
* Camera Pro Plus (for taking cute pictures)

2) My SmartBoard

*I do ALL my math lessons on here.  I have a presentation for every single   lesson from EDM...thanks to a lady named Jennifer Larsen.
*We do calendar on the SmartBoard everyday until the 100th day of school.
*I also manage my Daily 5 rotations (I do 6) on here!

3) EXPO markers
*The thin ones are best and kids use a specific color per quarter so there's no fighting.  I also cut up felt to use as erasers.  I just wish they were cheaper.  Kids use them for so many whiteboard activities (especially math) so they're engaged and focused.

4) Ripable packing tape

*The most use I get out of this is when I make a new game and need to put a label on the container, I cover the label with this stuff and it rips SOOOO nicely, I don't need to get out my scissors. 

*I also use it to hang up my little pocket charts that make up my word wall.  With enough tape, they (10 on my cabinet doors) stay up all year!

5)  Gems

*One of my behavior management strategies is fill up our class "gem jar".  When all or most of the class is doing a great job with something, they earn gems (anywhere from 1-8...depending on what they're doing).  Specialists can award gems and if we are complimented in the hallway that also earns us a gem!  When the jar is full, they earn a class party (something they've voted on....but I just got an idea on how to make scratch-off lottery tickets that have a party idea already printed on it!)

So go link up to the Teacher Idea Factory to share your MUST haves!


  1. Hi! I just found your blog and love the name! That pretty much covers our worlds - LOL. I have nominated your blog for an award. Please stop by my blog and pick it up.
    href=">Adventures In Teaching</a>

  2. Hi there....I just found your blog and am now a follower. I have an award for you. Please hop over to my blog to pick it up (and follow if you would like.)

  3. Love you blog! I especially like your idea of a gem jar! May have to steal it for my class!!! I am very new to the blogging world, just this week as a matter of fact! I added you to my growing list of blogs I find interesting!
    Wild About School!

  4. I loved my SMART board and am a little sad I won't have one this year :( I wanted to follow you, but you don't have a way to follow.

  5. Oops! Found the follow by email after I wrote the comment!
