
Friday, April 26, 2013

Five for Friday

Only 5 more Fridays for me!

4 of those Fridays are with kids and 1 is the last teacher day, which is also move-in day for us!  We've been living in a hotel for a month (and loving it) but are excited to move into our new place!

My week's Top 5:

I'm ready to push myself and have a great Heart Run!

Cute little vase needed some flowers.

OMG these are deliciously AMAZING and I'm addicted!

This yogurt is surprisingly awesome too!

I rarely do any artsy projects in my classroom, but we all did this today
and the kids loved it and did a terrific job!

So glad it's Friday!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fluency Fix for Manic Monday

I'm linking up again with 

Our district started using AimsWeb this year...

and the focus has really been on fluency.  Of course I had my kiddos rereading everything but I felt like there was something missing.  I came up with the idea of writing some short partner plays so kids could practice together during "Read to Someone" time during our Daily 6 groups.  But there always seemed to be an odd number, so I wrote the plays as trios too.  Doing those plays (both during Guided Reading time and Read to Someone time) has really helped many of my kiddos become fluently proficient!  

The bonus is that I LOVE creating these scripts (always trying to make them funny), so everybody wins!

Here's a freebie to try if you're curious about what they are -or- if you're using them and enjoying them.

Here are some pictures of how I set up having the partner plays available for student use during our Daily 6 time:

Now go check out more freebies!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


It's that time of year....when winter just won't leave and you try anything to get spring to arrive, including studying the butterfly lifecycle!

I'm trying to do more thematic things in my classroom and did the following things this week:

Received 5 caterpillars (one for each team) to observe
Listening Center: Houghton-Mifflin 8.3 story Butterfly
Listening Center: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle
Storytime: read several non-fiction books about the lifecycle
Did a scavenger hunt which lead to making a word bank poster for the lifecycle
Did a sequenced writing activity about the lifecycle
Did an art project to illustrate the lifecycle

Here are some great resources I made:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Manic Monday *Freebie*

I'm baaaaaaack!

I've been MIA for the last two weeks or so.  We moved out of our house and into a hotel for the next two months as we await closing on our new house.
Luckily my sister flew up...a total surprise...and helped immensely with the kids (4.5 year old & 7-month-old) while we moved.  And now that we're settled, I have time once again to get back to all the projects that float around in my brain and want to come out.  

I'm on a partner & trio Readers' Theater kick because it's an AWESOME, highly successful way to improve your students' reading fluency...and they LOVE it!  I'm using all of the plays I create with most of my reading groups and it's been so fun and rewarding!

Here's my latest creation, based on the popular book by Laura Numeroff:

click on it to grab it

After you check this out, head over to check out all the other FREE resources being offered at: