
Friday, April 26, 2013

Five for Friday

Only 5 more Fridays for me!

4 of those Fridays are with kids and 1 is the last teacher day, which is also move-in day for us!  We've been living in a hotel for a month (and loving it) but are excited to move into our new place!

My week's Top 5:

I'm ready to push myself and have a great Heart Run!

Cute little vase needed some flowers.

OMG these are deliciously AMAZING and I'm addicted!

This yogurt is surprisingly awesome too!

I rarely do any artsy projects in my classroom, but we all did this today
and the kids loved it and did a terrific job!

So glad it's Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I'm seeing a lot of butterflies in blogs today! I'm ordering my caterpillars next week. I had to wait because it was unseasonably cold and there was no way I could've let them out right now. I like the paper plate craft.

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