
Monday, June 17, 2013

Manic Monday

I held my first ever blog giveaway this past weekend, to celebrate the completion of my Writing Dude SmartBoard series.  I'm happy to announce that
Amber L. was the winner and has received the entire 13-lesson MEGA pack as her prize!  I'd like to do another giveaway this summer and am thinking about my Readers' Theater Partner Play packs as prizes...

It's Monday again and I'm still on vacation in Minnesota, where I'm from.
Yesterday we went to a neat festival in Virginia, MN called the Land of the Loons Festival and I bought a very cute handmade bag.  Tomorrow I need to run 12 miles as my last long run before next Saturday's half marathon.  All this while Anchorage is experiencing lots of sun and hot temperatures....rare for that place we call home!

So enough babbling and let's link up with Charity over at 

where I'm sharing an Alphabetical Order SmartBoard file.  One of my goals this summer is to get more of my SmartBoard stuff ready for TPT.  I use my SmartBoard for EVERYTHING and LOVE making games, activities and lessons with it.  I do my entire year of math lessons with it!

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