
Friday, June 14, 2013

Saturday Apps

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Apps make the world go round....well not quite, but they do make your mobile devices go.  I stumble upon apps, I find apps on Pinterest and Facebook and seek out FREE apps on AppsGoneFree.  Some of these apps are so awesomely useful to me as a teacher that I wanted to start a weekly Linky Party to share the love and encourage others to do the same!

I will share an app or two with you and include pictures or even a video.  I would love it if you would either:  share an app with us (either by linking up -or- leaving a comment with info.) or try out the app I've recommended and let us know what you think.  Apps can be free or cost money.

If you link up, please tell us:
* the name
* the price
* what devices it works on (iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc.)
* how you use it
* why it's worth downloading

I will start with the app, on my iPhone, that I use MOST in my classroom: iTalk.

It's free but there's a $1.99 upgrade to iTalk Premium if you want more features.  I mainly use this app to record and time my students when they are doing their AIMSWeb formal assessments and progress monitoring passages. 
Here's the main screen
You can name it whatever you want.
Here's my kiddo reading.
The list of all the recordings you have.
You replay recordings from here.

You can e-mail these recordings to anyone you'd like and you can play them right from your phone for conferences with parents.

I've also used this app to record myself reading a book that I don't have on CD for my group Listening Center.  I plug my iPhone into a headset station and it becomes my group Listening Center.

You could also use it to record directions for an independent group activity that you're not able to be part of because you're leading another group.

If you're going to let students use an iPhone, it should be an old one you've gotten ahold of and set back to original settings.

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