
Monday, January 6, 2014

Partner Reading

It's back to school after a nice 2-week winter break!
And it's Monday so that means

The introduction of partner reading is on the agenda for today.  
If you do the Daily 5 (in my classroom it's the Daily 6) you are familiar with "Read to Someone".  Before I knew anything about this facet of the Daily 5 program, I was partnering my students up during their small guided reading group with me after we had read a new book a few times. I only did it because I figured they were tired of reading the book aloud chorally and by taking turns.  But what I realized is that, if students are on task, they are really benefitting from it!  Fluency increased, helping each other blossomed and I was able to be an observer.  
I don't feel that first graders are ready to do partner reading until after winter break, but you may feel differently.  I am going to use these 2 posters to help teach and then remind kids what to do.

You can get them for FREE at my TPT store by clicking on the picture below.

Happy first week back if you're going back tomorrow!

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