
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Five for Friday

Yay, haven't linked up in a long time and so glad I get to this week!

Me time!
 This week was Spring Break and my kids were at daycare and gymnastics all week, so I had some rare "by myself, do what I want, pee when I want" time.  Hanging out at my favorite Starbucks to chill and finally do some TPT stuff was a daily was shopping.  I LOVE to write and was able to crank out a few things.  They are all freebies so feel free to check them out.

Essential Oils
I've recently gotten into the oil craze and have had a lot of fun mixing up potions and benefitting from all the great oils I have.  I use a diffuser in my classroom and it's wonderful!  Peppermint and lavender on mornings when I do small reading groups has been great!

Spring Training: swim/bike/run
I got into a triathlon and half marathon this coming spring and early summer and it was time to get my butt going this week.  I swam for the first time in a few years and now my shoulders are KILLING me, but I enjoyed it.  I also made a sweet bike set-up so I can multi task while I workout.

Unbelievable weather here in Anchorage!
There is HARDLY any snow here and it's only the beginning of March in Anchorage....this is UNHEARD of and I love it!!  Bring on spring!

Pinterest: Gardening
I am SOOOOO excited for spring and summer so I can get back outside in my yard to garden, decorate and have fun!  I'm going to buy me some wood and some power tools and build something this husband doesn't know it yet :-)
This set-up would be fantastic on our back patio!
Hello, this will help prolong the planting/growing/harvesting on both ends!

Wahoo, 49 days left of this school most difficult in all my 16 years of teaching.  But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

1 comment:

  1. 49 days sounds so short! I've also been teaching quite awhile and I've never had a year like this one! Extremely stressful, but I've learned more than I ever thought possible. I cannot wait until next school year :)
    Good luck with your tri! I'd love to do one, but I'm freaked out swimming in a crowded lake. Have a great weekend, Jen
