
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday Apps #10: Mini Movies and Writing

Apps make the world go round....well not quite, but they do make our mobile devices go.  I stumble upon apps, I find apps on Pinterest and Facebook and seek out apps on AppsGoneFree. 

Today I'd like to feature Perfect Video.
I've always wanted to make movies.  My parents got a videocamera when I was in elementary school and I had so much fun playing with it.  When I was in middle school, I would make short Saturday Night Live parody movies for my friend's birthdays.  Now I just film my kids growing up and put the clips together in iMovie for their yearly film journal.

But I've gotten back into it lately because iPhones and apps make it so EASY and FUN to quickly make a video!  I've just been playing around but then it dawned on me: I can use this in the classroom and tie it to writing.

Imagine showing this to students and then having them write a procedural piece on how to build a praying mantis out of Zoobs.

You could also do the opposite, write a piece and then make the movie with students.  Or, for older or more capable students, they could work in pairs or small groups to create a about motivation!

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