
Friday, August 8, 2014

Five for Friday

This was my last full week of freedom...I report back next Thursday!  So I'm excited that I'm finally linking up with
to share what has kept me as happy as a clam this week!

On our way back to Anchorage from an overnight trip to the Kenai Peninsula, we stopped at one of my favorite places, Portage Glacier and we played with rocks on the beach.  There was driftwood everywhere and I had such fun spelling out names with my soon-to-be first grade daughter.
My last name :-)
Yardwork and landscaping!
BEFORE: but after I had pulled the tall weeds.
AFTER: weed fabric, mulch, new trees and rocks
We've lived in our house now for a year and we never had to do any outside work in our yard, so this is all new to me and I LOVE it!  The original owners put a TON of money into landscaping but this back slope was super neglected.  Without the weed fabric, the fireweed and other weeds grow taller than me (5'4) and I'm not joking. So I thought laying down weed fabric was a better alternative to using a machete to get rid of it all!  The length of this is about 50 was hard work but so fun :-) 
I promised myself that before setting foot in my classroom to start setting it up I would work very hard on planning for the year.  I've always wanted to do this but get wrapped up in getting my room ready that it always happens at the last minute.

My new favorite work spot is Starbucks and as soon as I plug into the Erik Satie station on Pandora, and drink my white chocolate mocha, I'm off!

I finally went in to take a peek and start setting up my room...once my planning was 75% done :-)  I always set my desk up first and bounce around from there.

I can't help it...I love taking pictures of flowers, especially zooming in on them.  And with all the sunlight we get up here, the flowers grow amazingly big!
a yellow dahlia

I hope you had a good week back at school -or- have a great last weekend before heading back -or- enjoy more time off before heading back...I think I got everybody :-)


  1. Your room looks great! I am impressed with all the planning you've done. I've never thought of working at Starbucks. Great idea. :)
    Laughter and Consistency

    1. Hi Jan! The thing I love about the Starbucks I frequent is the ambiance. The lights are dim, there's a fireplace and you can watch the traffic stream by, all which make me feel comfortable and keep me focused. Now if I could just wear my jammies there :-)

  2. Sounds like a busy fun week! I remember moving into my house and being so excited to transform the garden - I must get out there and be that enthusiastic again!
    Growing Little Learners

    1. Hi Pixie Anne! I hope that's your real name because I LOVE it :-) The thing I think I like most about landscaping/gardening is that it has nothing to do with school and I channel all my energies into that and have a nice break from having my teacher brain on all the time.

  3. Love the dahlias. I've always wanted to grow the huge dinnerplate dahlias. But, they don't seem to like the Texas heat. I'd love for your to check out my blog!
    Smarticle Particles

  4. Way to go with planning ahead, I always end up getting a later start than I would have liked to! Looks like you've got a good start on your room decor!

  5. The dahlias are gorgeous! As for working at Starbucks....I live in a relatively small town. I think I would spend more time talking to people I know than working! I also set up my personal space in my classroom first. It's like the kitchen in a home- do it first!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

    1. Hi Carol! I LOVE the kitchen analogy, it's so true! Somebody also said it's like setting up an apartment because you make do with what the apartment comes with (unlike building a new house) and make it your own :-)

  6. Love the photos of your room! You are off to a great start!

    Firstie Favorites
