Monday, August 4, 2014

Long Range Planning

It's August....that means I report back in about a week and a half.  I promised myself that I wouldn't work on any school stuff until the beginning of this month and I made good on my promise.  I had such a blast doing yard work and landscaping (we've been in our new house for a year already) and a month-long trip back home to Minnesota (with plenty of fun and $hopping) kept me happy and busy!
Collage by PicMonkey
So now it's time to "Make hay while the sun shines!" as my college cross country coach would always say.  I'm sitting down today and, for the first time in my teaching career, doing some long range planning to set myself up for success and hopefully reduce the amount of work I have to do later and the stress that comes with being back at work and not having enough time to do this because of school and district in-services.
I created the quarterly calendars with Microsoft Word and you can download them here.  They are in .doc format (not pdf) so you can tweak and change them to fit your needs.  Enjoy!

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