Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Pig the Pug

I stumbled upon a new book series last week that I am in love with!

I was flipping through books in my classroom and came across 'Pig the Winner'. It was a book I ordered from the Scholastic Book Order last year and never did anything with.  So I sat right down, read it and laughed the entire time!  Aaron Blabey's use of rhyme throughout the entire book is fantastic and I immediately thought "I've got to turn these books into Readers' Theater scripts because they are awesome fluency practice AND infuses SEL!"

Badda Bing, Badda Boom: Pig the Pug PACK

I loved writing these scripts because they're funny and short!  I have a hard time keeping my scripts to 3 pages or less and each script is about 2 pages.

I've ordered all the other books (Pig the Grub, BTW, is hard to find and I got it online from Australia) and am planning to do a Pig the Pug week right after Thanksgiving and then invite parents to come watch the plays so they can listen to their children and be proud of their growth thus far in 1st grade.

Click on Pig below to check it out!

Friday, October 26, 2018


I love song parodies, videos and stuff like that!
I've got some Weird Al in me for sure.

When I was a kid, I would make SNL videos for my friend's birthday presents.  
Now I get to create and share parodies at my school with our weekly TV news announcements to promote events happening at school.  It's so much fun!

So when I recently found out about the Instagram #gradingpaperschallenge started by Ron Clark, I knew I had to get my groove on.

I had a blast learning how to pretend sing in Korean as well as the Gangnam style dance.  But I didn't realize that Instagram videos are usually only 15 seconds long.  So I thought I would give a link to where you can watch the whole thing.

If you're a teacher, you've got to do this!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

TLF Chapter 1: Keep the Peace

Fast forward from sunny, green-grassy August days when school wasn't in session to brisk, leaf-strewn October days when the end of the first quarter is almost here.  Time flies!   But I've been thinking about Finland a lot lately because, in our district, tensions over loss of academic teaching freedom are at an all-time high and I wish I could escape to Finland. Good thing I have this book to lift my spirits.

Chapter 1 concludes with the idea of 

Rauha means peace in Finnish.  But, in the Finnish culture, there are many types of peace.  Stop and think about that.  Different types of peace.  I love this idea.  Among them, ruokurauhais or 'food peace'.  I think I’m going to explore this idea further on my own.  

So rigorous versus peaceful.  Which would you choose?  As a parent, I choose rigorous because I want my child to be ready for the next grade level.  As a teacher, I want both.  And, as it turns out, research suggests and supports that both are possible and both actually need each other.
For more on this, check out an article by Olga Khazan “How Noise Pollution Impairs Learning”from 2016.  

Here is a list of ways that we can increase peace and learning at the same time, like is the norm in Finnish schools. Keep in mind that you are probably already doing many of these (pat on the back), maybe you fall out of routine with them from time to time or maybe they’re new.

·     Rules: establish, together, how to achieve 1. Respect for self.  2. Respect for others and 3. Respect for the learning environment. What does it look like, sound like, feel like. Involving students in this is crucial and the rules (chart) can be referred to throughout the year.
·     A noise-meter, created by the class, to help provide them feedback on the aforementioned idea.  One of thebest items I’ve ever purchased for my classroom (in my second year of teaching) is a Yacker Tracker.
·     Strike a balance between noise and quiet.  During a quiet work period, for example, offer a spot in the classroom for kids to go who need to talk about what they’re working on.
·     Incorporate the practice of mindfulness.  It’s a buzzword in education today and you only have to Google it to start finding information and resources.  But the book Mindfulness for Teachersby Patricia Jennings has some great ideas for teachers.  Her point is that mindfulness is “intended to promote self-awareness; foster cognitive, emotional and behavioral self-regulation; and reduce stress.”

All of this is a wonderful no-brainer and “makes my heart happy” but when your day is scheduled and structured down to the minute (unfortunately true in my district) and you have to choose between using the last 30 minutes of the day for either social studies, science or SEL “my heart is so sad.” 

Chapter 2 is up next and is all about belonging.  I'll share the ideas Timothy Walker proposes that help "cultivate that sense of connectedness in our classrooms."

Thursday, August 2, 2018

TLF Chapter 1: Get Into the Wild

Ever heard of ADD?  Of course, we (teachers) have heard of it, dealt with it and know it when we see it even though we are not allowed to really mention it and instead must use code (i.e.  “Have you talked to your child’s pediatrician about the attentional concerns I’ve raised?”) 

Well, have you ever heard of NDD?  Nature Deficit Disorder, as coined by author and journalist Richard Louv in 2011, is exactly what it sounds like: a gap between kids and nature.  Louv says “research strongly suggests that time in nature can help many children learn to build confidence in themselves, reduce the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, calm children, and help them focus.”  

Finnish teachers are very willing and able to bring their students outside of their classrooms for play and  learning, according to Timothy Walker.  Some of us, in our school settings, have access to nature right outside our windows and doors.  Teaching in Alaska, we are surrounded by so much spectacular nature it’s breathtaking.  Teaching at the foot of the Chugach Mountain Range at my school, it’s even harder to resist. One of our 6th grade teachers spearheaded the effort to create a “Living Classroom” adjacent to the school and our playground.  There are wooden benches, a big cleared space, collapsible camping seats and even a carved sign indicating the space.  So a nature space can even be created in the absence of one. 

Walker suggests we think about this strategy in different tiers of getting students outside.

Tier 1: Bring nature into the classroom.Projects that tie to curriculum are abundant (sprouting potatoes, butterfly lifecycle, leaf rubbings, etc) and bringing plants into the classroom and caring for them is wonderful, in my opinion.  I was fortunate enough to receive a Donors Choose grant a few years ago for a garden table.  It is full of plants, big and small, and the special grow lightbulbs are soothing.  I love having smelly plants like lavender and mint.  I also have plants around the classroom to green it up. 

Tier 2: Stepping outside for a lesson. Use your school campus as a habitat to enhance your measurement lesson(s), poetry study, writing prompt(s), etc.
Tier 3: Greening the school grounds by undertaking projects.  I like to think of this as campus beautification.  There’s a school in my district that has big raised garden beds against the school wall and each grade level has one to plant things in. Putting up bird feeders, planting a tree(s) and pulling weeds to make a small area look nicer are other ideas. This past spring (last week of school), I taught my students about dandelions.  They are very clever plants. . .that I detest.  After our science lesson we went outside to a small, square space directly in front of the principal’s office and went to work getting rid of trash, dandelions and other weeds for 1.5 hours.  THEY LOVED IT and wanted to do it again the next day. . .and so we did!

We can all take baby steps towards connecting our inside learning space to the wonderful nature outside.

Up next: Keep the Peace

Thursday, July 19, 2018

TLF: Chapter 1 Breathe Fresh Air

I tend to be hot in my classroom when I’m teaching.  I rarely sit at my desk and am instead up and down and all about.  I cannot, for example, even think of wearing a sweater to school (and I live in Alaska) because I know I’ll be a pool of sweat by lunch. But my daughter’s fourth grade teacher on the other hand, (at my school) is always cold and wearing cute sweaters. . .go figure.  If given the choice I’d much rather always be cold because you can always put on more layers but there’s only so much to take off.

Because I often get warm, I open a window to let in some cool air.  What I’m doing to regulate my own body temperature is an idea Thomas Walker suggests that I didn’t really think about.  Open a window and let in fresh air in order to keep a balance between the oxygen we need to breathe in and the carbon dioxide we breathe out.  In other words, it’s good for your brain.  

My dream classroom window!

Finnish people in general feel that cool or cold air is good for you.  Walker observed, for example, parents leaving their babies sleeping in their strollers outside on their balconies (even in freezing temperatures) and he and his wife ended up doing the same.  It’s an acceptable part of Finnish culture.

The temperature of a classroom is one of a few factors that can lead to academic achievement.  A study was done in 2014 that found “that student learning and achievement are deeply affected by the environment in which (this) learning occurs” as proven by “a plethora of scientific evidence.”  

When I open a window to regulate temperature, I always feel some degree of calmness wash over me.  It’s like a natural stress reducer.  
So opening a window to let in fresh air can not only help academic achievement because it’s good for your brain, but stress (yours and your student’s) can also be reduced.

Next up: Get Into the Wild


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

TLF: Chapter 1 Simplify the Space

Think about the four walls of your classroom.  Think of three adjectives that best describe those walls. I would say: cute, functional, tidy. With each of these adjectives, think about who that benefits more: you or your students?

The saying “what’s best for kids” has its place in an elementary classroom. Are my cute decorations best for kids? Is the functional word wall and the super tall AR (Accelerated Reader) tree best for kids?  Is the tidy appearance best for kids?

How about “what’s best for the teacher”?  We spend the most time in our classroom and it is our priority to instruct kids in our classroom.  So my cute decorations are best for me (Pinterest has been a GAME changer in elementary classrooms), the functional aspects are helpful for me and the tidy appearance is best for me.  

So what’s best for the classroom, in my opinion, is a combination of both what the teacher and students need and want.  Think quality -v.s- quantity.

Think about, for example, your Kindergarten classroom from when YOU were a kid.  Think of three adjectives to describe the four walls that surrounded you for an academic year when YOU were five.   

What we put up on the four walls of our classroom and how much we put up are very different in the U.S. and Finland.  Thomas Walker noticed very quickly the “less is more” Finnish motto in his colleagues’ classrooms in Helsinki.  He feels that the calmness of students and teachers can be, to some degree, attributed to the simplified learning spaces of their classrooms.

A study by Fisher, Godwin & Seltman in 2014 revealed that, in the U.S., children “were more distracted by the visual environment, spent more time off task, and demonstrated smaller learning gains when the walls were highly decorated”.  I can understand that revelation and know that when I’m somewhere that has a lot of stuff up on walls, I feel overstimulated and am more distracted.  

Finnish teachers limit, to an extent, what and how they decorate their classrooms.  They want their classrooms to be uncluttered and cozy and achieve this by keeping their classroom design and decoration simple in order to achieve a positive tunnelma(atmosphere).  

Walker’s suggestion is to really think about the purpose of what you put up and display in your classroom throughout the year.  If it is something that helps students (a word wall, for example) or something that highlights students (published writing project, for example) then that is worth your time.  But if it’s just for show, or you feel the pressure to display student work or you’re trying to win the Pinterest-inspired classroom contest then it’s not worth your time and energy.  Quality -v.s- quantity

Think about your teacher desk area in your classroom (if you have one). What three adjectives best describe it? I would say: cozy, small, organized. There are teachers who do not have a teacher desk or teacher area in their classroom.  I am not one of those people and never will be.  My desk area is the first thing I set up in August and the last thing I put away in May.  My philosophy is that if I’m going to spend a lot of time in my classroom, it needs to be cozy and helpful to me.  You’ll find slippers under my desk, a little fountain on my desk, lamps around the room (with lights off) and chocolate in my bottom left-hand desk drawer.  The icing on the cake is when I put on the Pandora 'spa' station and my iPhone is connected to a bluetooth speaker across the room.  Zen baby!

Next up: Breathe Fresh Air

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

TLF: Chapter 1 Recharge After School

How much time do you spend, at the school where you teach, planning and preparing for your students
. . .outside of your workday?
How much time do you spend, at home planning and preparing for your students. . .outside of your workday?

If you're like most American teachers, TOO MUCH time.  I find it hard to decrease the amount of time I spend planning and prepping because of the pressure I feel to do my job well and I want to be Super Woman and do it all (family, work, blogging & TPT, running, etc.).  But I totally agree with Timothy Walker when he says that teaching "is more like a marathon than a sprint" and that we have a tough time pacing ourselves, even when our bodies tell us to slow down.  I'm a runner and have always viewed my teaching year as a marathon.  I can pace myself pretty well and as soon as I cross the finish line I CELEBRATE and play hard during the summer.  

So within the realm of recharging after school, here are three things Walker suggests:

1. Work smarter, not harder.
     Walker doesn't give specific examples.  Maybe finding and using a TPT resource instead of creating it yourself (I'm SO guilty of that) is an example.  I finally started doing this last year and was like, "Duh, that saved me a lot of time!"  I really like to create stuff and am super picky so that's why I just always make stuff.  I would love to get your ideas for how to accomplish smarter instead of harder.
2. Prioritize your work.
     Making sure the most important things get done after school before you leave and not sweating the small stuff that remains is the message I get here.  I've personally started doing this last year and it works. . .but I'm still left with anxiety over when to get those things done and being okay with them staying my "to do" list for a while.
3. Set clear boundaries between work and rest.
       This one is the hardest for me because I'm a work-before-play person.  I'm just that kind of person and it was a good strategy for me at the start of my career before I had a husband and family.  I know it takes something like 21 days to form a habit so if I get in the habit of taking me-time (a.k.a. rest time) before doing school work at home, it'll happen, right?

Next up: Simplify the Space

Friday, June 29, 2018

TLF Chapter 1: Learn on the Move

Finland and the United States both failed at the same thing in 2013 and 2014, respectively. . .

. . .helping students stay active during the school day.

     Finland decided to do something about it right away and created the Finnish Schools on the Move program.  Several easy-to-implement movement ideas were compiled and shared with Finnish schools. A few pilot schools started it and eventually 800 schools jumped on the band wagon.  
     'Recess Activators' was one big idea.  Since all students go outside for the daily breaks in Finland, older students volunteered and were trained to engage younger students in games and activities that promoted movement.  Many teachers noticed that even though outdoor breaks are scheduled into each day it doesn't necessarily mean that kids are moving while outside, especially older kids.  
     Here's how I could see this specific strategy working in a U.S. school: brain break buddies.  Brain breaks are all the rage and, while a great idea, can be hard to implement.  I see the second graders at my school going outside in the afternoon every single day.  I am boggled at how they can fit a break in because we are incredibly scheduled with our 'blocks' and there is no wiggle room. . .argh! The Kindy and sixth grade classes pair up each year to be buddies and I've also experienced 'reading buddies'.  So why not Brain Break Buddies?  Yes, it would take time to figure out a part(s) of the day during which both classes could unite and do this but it's worth a try, right?  
     Another idea, specifically aimed for older students is to involve them in creating some fun movement activities that they can and want to do during their breaks.  But, in order for this to be successful, two 15-minute breaks were combined for a 30 minute break.
     I really like this idea because giving students a choice and involving them in creating those choices is very powerful and motivating!  I think, for this to work in U.S. schools, the materials needed to accomplish this would be the issue.  Of course the P.E. teacher more than likely has items to let students use at recess or during a break but those items are also used for teaching.  So maybe the PTA, a school fundraiser or even something like could be utilized.  Because, as Walker points out, engaging students in physical activity shouldn't rest on the shoulders of the P.E. teacher and recess.
     An idea I could definitely see being popular at my school is dance.  There was an amazing sixth grade hip-hop dancer that kids would crowd around at our annual end-of-the-year DJ party to watch. Inviting her to model and teach hip-hop would be dope!  Another idea is to have a mobile (projection) screen available on which to show dance videos for kids to learn from, kind of like Dance Dance Revolution.
     Aside from recess, infusing movement into the main classroom is vital.  It's so vital that the state of Alaska, where I live and teach, made it law in 2016.  Yes, there is a law called SB 200 that mandates 54 minutes of physical activity per full school day for all students K-8.  This can include scheduled P.E. times but, for example, my students have gym three times per week for 30 minutes each time so the rest is up to me.  But we're between a rock and a hard place because, in my district, a new reading curriculum was implemented this past year that mandates a certain number of minutes (a.k.a. the reading block) and more minutes are being added next year!  So it's incredibly hard to find time to squeeze in vital breaks.  
     Two ways I've tried are whole group and small group.  I call these 'Body & Brain Breaks'.
     Whole group is usually after a lesson/activity finishes.  I have a menu of quick games/activities that we roll a dice to decide upon.  You can get this menu for free if you go to my TPT store.  We also LOVE Go Noodle!
     Small group is THE best way I incorporate movement into daily learning!  The cornerstone of my teaching philosophy and practice is small group learning.  For reading, I use a form of the Daily 5 and take all of the whole group teaching from our new curriculum and put it into small groups.  This past spring I invited a mom to come in who is a yoga teacher who is passionate about the benefits of yoga for kids.  She was one of the small groups in the hallway outside of my classroom and it was awesome!

Child's Pose
     She kicked off my plan to incorporate independent yoga in the classroom by explaining what yoga is and showing them some basics.  I then devoted one of the five groups (at the 'video station') to YouTube yoga videos I downloaded.  Kids use wireless headphones and the video is show on the only desktop computer I have in my classroom. Each small group is 15 minutes in length.

Cosmic Kids Yoga with Jaime is awesome, check it out!
     I'll leave you with another idea that Walker proposes in his book.  It's something he calls a "Gallery Walk".  Students take a piece of work and display it in the classroom and everyone walks around to look at and comment on each piece.  I think this is a great idea and can be adapted for K-6. You're killing three birds with one stone: movement, displaying published work and peer feedback.  

I would love to hear how you incorporate movement into your elementary classroom, please leave a comment below.

Next up: Recharge After School

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Teach Like Ghana. . .NO!

I am listening to a great podcast episode and had to share because I'm making a connection to Finland.

I started listening to this podcast last year and quickly finished season 1.  Luckily season 2 just came out.  Episode 2, called "Ghana's Parent Trap" is very interesting because I immediately visualized a spectrum where the U.S. was in the middle, Finland was on the right and Ghana (a small African nation) was on the left.  I'll admit, I am very surprised at what is happening in Ghana with pre-K education because I didn't think this could/would happen in third world Africa. 
I don't want to give it all away but it's an amazing episode that made me sad and worried at first but happy by the end.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the episode, so please share them with me. . .

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Teach Like Finland: Chapter 1 Introduction

I’m sitting on the shore of Lake Bemidji in beautiful Bemidji, Minnesota on this lovely summer day.  We come here every summer so we can be with my husband who teaches a graduate course on the campus of BSU and so my daughter and son can learn a language at Concordia Language Villages summer camp.  It’s evening and I’m surrounded by the smell of campfire, the soft cool breeze, waves lapping the edge of the beach and my kids building and creating on the beach. I feel happy, peaceful and stress-free. 
I view summer as the time when I recharge my batteries for the upcoming school year.  Each school year I view as a marathon and, as a runner, I know you have to have strength, endurance and some speed to eventually cross the finish line.  So I teach hard for 9 months and relax hard for 3 months.  But . . . why can’t I infuse that happy, peaceful feeling into the school year?  I know I need to but I don’t know how. Thank goodness Timothy Walker is going to show me how.
So as I happily and peacefully sit here, I should let you know that I’m sitting at a picnic table, on my laptop.  I’m the only one with any piece of technology nearby, which I quickly notice. . .and inherently feel guilty.  But the devil on my other shoulder quickly chimes in to say that I’m working at a leisurely pace in a very relaxed environment so I can and should keep working. 
The introduction to chapter 1 is about how Walker quickly notices, after he starts teaching at a local Finnish elementary school, that there are several 15 minute breaks throughout the day during which: his students spend happily playing outside, his colleagues spend happily eating, chatting and looking at magazines in the teacher’s lounge and he spends rapidly prepping for more teaching.  This makes him also feel inherently guilty.
At first he fights it but, seeing the attention of his students fade, he doesn't prolong instruction but stops and provides the required and needed break.  He instantly sees the benefit of the concept: more attentive learners after a break -v.s- cramming more learning into students who aren't holding on to it before a break.
One of his colleagues makes a good point when telling him that he's not a human doing, he's a human being.  This is contrary to the American ideology of "a teacher's worth is quantified by his/her productivity."  So he has to learn to embrace the Finnish teaching approach of: slower, softer, focus on well-being and give up the American approach of: faster, harder, focus on success if he wants to succeed in Finland.
So Walker's first strategy is to try and set aside time, every 45 minutes or so (depending on how your students are functioning) for some kind of break.  In Finland it's simple free play inside or outside.  But he suggests 'choice time' in American classrooms and believes there are three important qualities this time should possess: it should have a high degree of enjoyment, independence and novelty.  And he believes that the teacher should talk with their students about his/her purposeful attempt to help them learn better by having breaks during the day.  Encouraging students to provide feedback on these breaks promotes ownership and can provide some great insight.

I think I'm going to take a break now and go play with my kids on the beach!
Next up: Learn on the Move

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Teach Like Finland: Introduction

    I was fortunate to have done my second student teaching in Switzerland.  It was part of a study abroad program at my university.  I taught at an international school, which was a fabulous experience for many reasons.  International schools and DOD (Department of Defense) schools are really the only way to be able to teach and live abroad…except if your spouse is a citizen of another country and you are able to obtain a work VISA.  
This is exactly how Timothy Walker was able to leave his 1st grade teaching  job on the East Coast and move to Helsinki Finland.  His wife is Finnish and remarked that, in the U.S., he was working way too hard and too much.  In Finland, as she often explained, the school day (and a few other things) are different and the result is a less stressful job, happier students and comparable education taught and received.  
Timothy scoffed at the notion that less work for a teacher is possible and beneficial but during his time in Finland he learned a lot and is sharing it with any teachers who are interested in teaching like Finland.
 His book is not a replacement curriculum.  Nor is it full of innovative teaching strategies because Finland has learned about our American pedagogical ways and adopted them.  His book is a list of things American teachers can do in their classrooms (in addition to the required standards, objectives and curriculum) to promote happiness.  
       Let’s define and discuss happiness.  According to Dr. Emma Seppälä, happiness is “A state of heightened positive emotion that can improve productivity and enhance social emotional intelligence.” Duh. #1) That makes sense.  We’ve all experienced it.  And duh because #2) We’ve seen time and time again the student improvement that happens when everyone is happy.  
I said everyone.  The class mantra from the past 20 years has been “What’s best for kids.”  But I want to modify this mantra to include teachers.  It’s like the old saying, “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t no one happy.”  I have experienced and observed that when I’m happy, I’m a better teacher which directly impacts students.”  So I hereby rephrase the old mantra. . .  What’s best for the classroom. (teachers + students = classroom).  Let’s take it a step further and put this into mathematical thinking:  Teachers + Students = Classroom Happiness = Improving and successful teaching & learning.  I think it’s important to include teaching assistants, para professionals, support staff and parents with the teachers because any adult who is in your classroom is there to help, support and teach your students.  
So back to 'Teach Like Finland'. . . Walker’s book includes 33 strategies, which are grouped into five categories: belonging, autonomy, mastery and mindset (as proposed by Pinsker, 2016) and well-being (as added by Walker, 2017).  
I whole-heartedly agree with Walker’s proposition that “we start to see prioritizing happiness, inspired by the Finnish approach to education, as an overarching goal in our classrooms.”

Next up. . .Chapter 1: Well-Being (introduction)

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Teach Like France or Finland?

Imagine this. . .
. . .parents are not allowed to go into elementary schools in France.  
They walk their children to school and say goodbye at the gate as the children  walk through the school courtyard to line up.  

First, can you even imagine this happening in the U.S.?  And secondly, how do I know this?  First, I cannot see this ever happening in the United States and, secondly, I was very fortunate to have been given permission to attend a half day of school at a French elementary school in Strasbourg, France this past March.

A little backstory. . .

When I turned 40, my present to myself was a 2-week whirlwind trip to my favorite places in France plus Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland.  'Carpe diem' and 'Go big or go home' are my two mottos!  So two years later I decided to do it again, which was this past March (our spring break).  One of my dearest French friends was also my T.A. for an entire school year back at the beginning of my teaching career at the Normandale French Immersion School in Edina, Minnesota.  

Now we both have young children and her little boy was school-age (1st grade) during this trip.  So I asked if I could go to school with him for a morning because I've always wanted to experience school in a different country.  The school gave me permission (I had to sign two documents) and the teacher graciously accepted me into her classroom for the morning. 

I adore France.  France is a wonderful country full of culture, history, people and language.  But, with all due respect, what I observed made me thankful that I teach in the United States where praise and positivity reign in most primary classrooms.  What I saw and heard was subtle but negative and I heard next to no praise or positivity.

My friend took me to lunch after my school visit and we chatted at length about my observations.  Her son is a struggling reader and writer, which she had already mentioned, and it was obvious from my observations.  I of course had a bunch of ideas for how to best help him succeed: small-group instruction, praise, interventions and small-group instruction.   But these things do not happen in French schools and she knows it.  She knows what life is like in American primary classrooms and knows these things aren't infused in his (French) classroom.

I would go observe again in a heartbeat and now have a desire to do so in different countries around the world.  Segway to. . .when I got back from my trip I stumbled upon a book called 'Teach Like Finland' and became super interested in reading it because of my recent French experience and because I'm frustrated and not in agreement with my school district's push for more academics (language arts) and less SEL and teacher freedom and creativity.

Before I read the book though, I took my interest a step further and applied for a grant that would allow me to take a Kindergarten, 1st grade (myself) and 2nd grade teacher from my school to Helsinki for two weeks to immerse ourselves in this book first hand.   Part of the grant was for us to read the book on the way to Finland (fresh in our minds), observe and discuss everything.  Unfortunately I did not get the grant but can reapply this fall.  I still have not read the book.  But I decided that I'm going to now read it and reapply for the grant.  

What does my blog have to do with all this???  I'm going to treat it as a book study and post on every chapter I read, in the hopes that others (you?) will decide to read it or simply share their thoughts about it, via my summaries. 

I will start with the introduction in my next post. . .