Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. In Sanskrit the word yoga means 'union'. I used to do yoga many years ago, before children, at the health club I used to belong to. I did it on a Friday night and it was low-key and AWESOME! But then I got married, moved to Alaska, had kids and got really involved in the school where I teach. Excuses, yep I know. But I'm the kind of person that needs a coach or teacher to lead it in order for me to do it.

Yoga in the classroom has been popular for a while now, especially as way to fit breaks and movement into a very crammed day. I've tried to incorporate it via Brain & Body Breaks (I don't like to just call it a brain break because I think both need a break at the same time). I also started using Cosmic Yoga on YouTube at our independent video station during our small literacy groups and that has been VERY successful (I have wireless, infrared headphones from Caliphone). But I was still trying to find another way to incorporate it and also incorporate other subjects areas. . .then it hit me like a bolt of lightening!
Readers' Theater-style partner poems that are non-fiction and focus on different yoga poses combine reading + science/social studies + movement.
I love to write poetry and creating Readers' Theater scripts! I had so much fun writing these and researching yoga and different animals! I can't wait to incorporate these into my classroom this fall. I like that the scripts are purposefully short yet there is a written, step-by-step, explanation on how to do each pose after reading the partner poem.
And I've gotta give a shout out to my new favorite clipartist:
Have a great week everyone!