Apps make the world go round....well not quite, but they do make our mobile devices go. I stumble upon apps, I find apps on Pinterest and Facebook and seek out apps on AppsGoneFree.
This app is FREE from iTunes. I love music and stream Pandora in my classroom both when students are present (especially during Writing...the George Winston station is fantastic) and when they're not (during my preps and after school when I need to chill out (turn out the lights and put on Relaxation Radio). Pandora is great. . .but there are commercials and it's especially annoying during quiet work time when a loud one comes on.
But now I will use this app! I love this app for 3 reasons: 1) You can turn the volume each individual melody/sound up or down, 2) There are no commercials and 3) It's FREE!
I will also put this on when falling asleep or when trying to get rid of a headache.